Sveiki. Turiu tokia beda,ngfaliu niekaip paleisti dedikuota Counter Strike Source serveri. Viska darau taip kaip parasyta SRCDS tinklapio forume. Visi zaidimo failai parsisiunte be problemu per hlds tools. Paleidziant serveri per PUTTY programa atsirtanda uzrasas kad nera tokios direktorijos ar kazkas panasus. Gal jus galetumet padeti man siuo klausimu.Jei kas yra kures ir siuo momentu turi veikianti css serveri,prasau jusu viska nuosekliai ir issamiai parasyti kaip tai yra daroma. Is anksto dekoju,Tomas.
-maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
Po to kitaip: #!/bin/sh
echo "Starting Cs:Source Server"
sleep 1
screen -A -m -d -S css-server ./
srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map
de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
Vistiek taspats. Parasysiu po to koks tiksliai uzrsas pasirodo atlikus minetas komandas.
O siaip viska dariau taip kap buvo parasyta:
First of all download hldsupdatetool from the
VALVe webserver. Make a dir called srcds_l, and
save hldsupdatetool in that dir and run it. (Check
this out when you have an uncompress error.)
mkdir srcds_l
cd srcds_l
chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
The new version of HLDSUpdateTool will be
downloaded now. You will be returned to the
console after its done.
2) Downloading the files
We can start downloading the files. This can take
a few hours depending on the connection the
server uses.
./steam -command update -game
"Counter-Strike Source" -dir .
If you want to install a Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
server, use "hl2mp" for the game switch.
Go get yourself a cup of coffee.
3) Starting srcds
First edit (or create) srcds_l/cstrike/cfg/server.cfg
like you want it to be. Now we are ready to run
the srcds.
./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust
-maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
and press enter. (-game hl2mp if it's a HL2DM
server ofcourse)
Your srcds is now up and running.
Extra) Running srcds in background (re-
We will make a script that will run the srcds in
the background in a "screen"
you will need to have screen installed for this.
make a file called and put this in:
echo "Starting Cs:Source Server"
sleep 1
screen -A -m -d -S css-server ./
srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map
de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
Save the file, and chmod it to run
chmod +x
If you want to start your server, simply run . It will start your srcd server in the
background, to open it type:
screen -x css-server
+maxplayers 16 -port 27015 &
ir beto pakopijuok errora, jei nepasileis
-bash: ./srcds_run: No such file or directory
[root@...... ~]# +maxplayers 16 -port 27015 &
[1] 2362
[root@...... ~]# -bash: +maxplayers: command not found
[1}+ Exit 127 +maxplayers 16 -port 27015
Hostname pakeiciau as pats.
Gal yra kokiu minciu?
Buciau labai dekingas uz pagalba.Is anksto dekoju,Tomas.
cd srcds_l
cd orangebox
tada vedi:
./srcds_run -game cstrike +map de_dust2
+maxplayers 16 -port 27015 &
Tiesiog iskart prisijunges prie serverio bandai leisti srcds, nors net neesi atsidares direktorijos, kur randasi srcds_run failas.
cd srcds_l
cd css
./srcds_run -console -game cstrike -port 27015
+ip +map de_dust +maxplayers 16
Serveris lyg ir pasileido bet steam programos
serveriu sarase mano dedikuoto css:s serverio
nesimato.Matos tik dedikuoto serverio ip adresas
ir mano interneto.Uzrasas salia: not responding.
Kas galetu buti? Gal is foto eis ka nors suprast:
Reikia pridėti serverį į faworites, norint jį matyti šiame sąraše.
3. Irasiau ji i favoritus.
4. Prisijungiau prie savo serverio.