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Munin sistemos stebėjimo įrankio diegimas Debian 6 aplinkoje

IV_VygandasSIV_VygandasS Serverių ekspertas (-ė)
edited 2020 spalio 13 Į Archyvas
Šioje trumpoje pamokoje pateikiame instrukcijas kaip įsidiegti munin sistemos stebėjimo įrankį Debian 6 aplinkoje.

1. Munin sistemos stebėjimo įrankio diegimas

1.1. Atnaujiname repozitorijas:
apt-get update

1.2. Įdiegiame munin:
apt-get install munin munin-node munin-plugins-extra

1.3. Įgaliname kelis munin papildynius:
cd /etc/munin/plugins
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_ mysql_
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_bytes mysql_bytes
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_innodb mysql_innodb
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_isam_space_ mysql_isam_space_
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_queries mysql_queries
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_slowqueries mysql_slowqueries
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_threads mysql_threads

1.4. Redaguojame /etc/munin/munin.conf konfigūracinį failą. Atkomentuojame dbdir, htmldir, logdir, rundir ir tmpldir eilutes, bei pakeičiame localhost.localdomain parametrą į mūsų .
vi /etc/munin/munin.conf

Pavyzdinis /etc/munin/munin.conf failo turinys:
# Example configuration file for Munin, generated by 'make build'

# The next three variables specifies where the location of the RRD
# databases, the HTML output, logs and the lock/pid files. They all
# must be writable by the user running munin-cron. They are all
# defaulted to the values you see here.
dbdir /var/lib/munin
htmldir /var/cache/munin/www
logdir /var/log/munin
rundir /var/run/munin
# Where to look for the HTML templates
tmpldir /etc/munin/templates

# (Exactly one) directory to include all files from.
includedir /etc/munin/munin-conf.d

# Make graphs show values per minute instead of per second
#graph_period minute

# Graphics files are normaly generated by munin-graph, no matter if
# the graphs are used or not. You can change this to
# on-demand-graphing by following the instructions in
#graph_strategy cgi

# munin-cgi-graph is invoked by the web server up to very many times at the
# same time. This is not optimal since it results in high CPU and memory
# consumption to the degree that the system can thrash. Again the default is
# 6. Most likely the optimal number for max_cgi_graph_jobs is the same as
# max_graph_jobs.
#munin_cgi_graph_jobs 6

# If the automatic CGI url is wrong for your system override it here:
#cgiurl_graph /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph

# munin-graph runs in parallel, the number of concurrent processes is
# 6. If you want munin-graph to not be parallel set to 0. If set too
# high it will slow down munin-graph. Some experiments are needed to
# determine how many are optimal on your system. On a multi-core
# system with good SCSI disks the number can probably be quite high.
#max_graph_jobs 6

# Drop somejuser@fnord.comm and anotheruser@blibb.comm an email everytime
# something changes (OK -> WARNING, CRITICAL -> OK, etc)
#contact.someuser.command mail -s "Munin notification" somejuser@fnord.comm
#contact.anotheruser.command mail -s "Munin notification" anotheruser@blibb.comm
# For those with Nagios, the following might come in handy. In addition,
# the services must be defined in the Nagios server as well.
#contact.nagios.command /usr/bin/send_nsca -c /etc/nsca.conf

# a simple host tree
use_node_name yes

# A more complex example of a host tree
## First our "normal" host.
# []
# address foo
## Then our other host...
# []
# address fay
## Then we want totals...
# [;Totals] #Force it into the ""-domain...
# update no # Turn off data-fetching for this "host".
# # The graph "load1". We want to see the loads of both machines...
# # "" means "label=machine:graph.field"
# load1.graph_title Loads side by side
# load1.graph_order
# # The graph "load2". Now we want them stacked on top of each other.
# load2.graph_title Loads on top of each other
# load2.dummy_field.stack
# load2.dummy_field.draw AREA # We want area instead the default LINE2.
# load2.dummy_field.label dummy # This is needed. Silly, really.
# # The graph "load3". Now we want them summarised into one field
# load3.graph_title Loads summarised
# load3.combined_loads.sum
# load3.combined_loads.label Combined loads # Must be set, as this is
# # not a dummy field!
## ...and on a side note, I want them listen in another order (default is
## alphabetically)
# # Since [] would be interpreted as a host in the domain "com", we
# # specify that this is a domain by adding a semicolon.
# [;]
# node_order Totals
1.5. Redaguojame /etc/apache2/conf.d/munin failą. Užkomentuojame "Allow from localhost ::1" eilutę ir įterpiame eilutę "Allow from all".

Pavyzdinis /etc/munin/munin.conf failo turinys:
Alias /munin /var/cache/munin/www
<Directory /var/cache/munin/www>
Order allow,deny
# Allow from localhost ::1
Allow from all
Options None

# This file can be used as a .htaccess file, or a part of your apache
# config file.
# For the .htaccess file option to work the munin www directory
# (/var/cache/munin/www) must have "AllowOverride all" or something
# close to that set.

# AuthUserFile /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd
# AuthName "Munin"
# AuthType Basic
# require valid-user

# This next part requires mod_expires to be enabled.

# Set the default expiration time for files to 5 minutes 10 seconds from
# their creation (modification) time. There are probably new files by
# that time.

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault M310

1.6. Perkrauname Apache tarnybą:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

1.7. Perkrauname munin tarnybą:
/etc/init.d/munin-node restart


Apsilankius http://mūsų adresu ir palaukus kelias minutes pradėsime matyti stebėjimo sistemos atvaiduojamą statistiką, munin pateikiamuose grafikuose.

2. Munin išvesties katalogo apsaugojimas slaptažodžiu

2.1. Siekiant, kad mūsų munin generuojamus duomenis peržiūrėti galėtų tik autorizuoti asmenys, apribosime prieigą prie statistinių duomenų nurodant slaptažodį:
htpasswd -c /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd admin

Įvedame pasirinkta admin vartotojo slaptažodį - naudojant šiuos duomenis mes galėsime prisijungti prie mūsų munin prieigos.

2.2. Atsidarome /etc/apache2/conf.d/munin failą ir atkomentuojame žemiau pateiktas eilutes:
        AuthUserFile /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd
        AuthName "Munin"
        AuthType Basic
        require valid-user

2.3. Perkrauname Apache tarnybą:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Bandant apsilankyti prieš tai mūsų nurodytu adresu http://mūsų norint prisijungti reikės nurodyti 2.1. punkte nurodytais prisijungimo duomenimis:

User Name: admin
Password: <Mūsų_2.1_punkte_įvestas_slaptažodis>
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